
Mei 7, 2011

My Little ANGEL

Filed under: story sharing — englishstorysharing @ 7:35 am

My Little ANGEL

This is my story, a student of English literature teacher who decided to get married early in the third semester in college. In addition to a student, I am also an employee in the classified hotel inBali.

My family is willing to marriage requirements will not get pregnant before graduation. I think I will not get pregnant because my business a very time-consuming and labor intensive. Just imagine, five o’clock in the morning I woke up to prepare breakfast before leaving for college, from college I went straight to where I work is taken within 45 minutes to one hour if the traffic jams and came home at 10:30 at night. At home sometimes I still have to cook our dinner and then went to sleep, so every day. No time for my husband so that sometimes we fight. After two months I knew it turned out I was pregnant a month. I’m very glad to know, but ….a marriage that made conditional dilemma. Some suggested to abort the baby, but my husband got me stronger that we can and that abortion is a sin. I would survive.

Early pregnancy is really heavy which I experienced during my activities while not decreasing cravings. In the third month of my pregnancy I suffered hypotension and anemia. If the morning I left for college, then the afternoon I could not work because of weakness, and vice versa. I had to choose which is more important things to do. I could not ignore my unborn child. In the fourth month of pregnancy I decided to stop working.

I started my new career with a busy myself become a tutor from home to home. Until the age of the baby entering the nine months, to coincide with final exams just living day, after preparing the material for an exam tomorrow, I experienced a continuous whitish. At about 22:00 my husband drove me to Ms. Desi, midwives where we used to check my pregnancy routinely which is about an hour trip from my house. Arriving at the midwife, I was opening six and rupture of membranes. Ms. Desi was surprised because there was no contraction until the opening of the sixth. Ten minutes later, all our family came, they were worried and wish to join me in the delivery room, but only one person is allowed, that is my dear husband. When I started contractions, my family began to cry because it could not bear to hear me moaning in pain. Ms. Desi patiently directing what should I do to my baby can get out. Fifteen minutes passed, she just saw my baby’s hair. The same situation after thirty minutes passed. Unable to bear the pain I asked her pulled my baby out and all were laugh. Finally,after an hour the crying baby who we were waited sounds, a baby boy and cute little white. All breathes sigh of relief and toke overnight in delivery room with me. In the afternoon we are allowed to go home.

At home, we were greeted by the neighbors, relatives, and friends. At night, when all the guests have gone home and we expected to go sleep, suddenly the baby cried loudly. My husband and I have not experienced as a parent got panic. We tried to remain calm but he could not stop crying until midnight. Finally I called my brothers. Trice they came but no one’s able to reduce her crying. Finally, the little angel pee drenched body. When we changed his diapers, then we knew what made him cry so loud, it turns out my son’s titit pinched umbilical cord clamps.

Truly rewarding experience for us as new parents. And now I can say pretty good for my baby bath and change his own diapers. He’s the greatest thing I have in my life forever ever.

Denpasar, July 5th 2010


my beloved son